25 Natural Sleep Aids That Work

The secret to a good night’s sleep is having the right bed and bedroom environment. But sometimes, we need more than that, especially when life gets busy and there never seems to be enough hours in the day. Getting just one more hour of sleep would mean so much more time awake. For those times when you’re struggling with getting enough rest, you’ll want to have a list of 25 natural sleep aids that actually work.

1. Turn off electronics before bed

Electronics can be very stimulating, so it’s best not to watch TV or use the computer in the hour before you’re planning to go to bed. When I say “electronics,” I don’t just mean TVs and computers. If you have a tablet or cell phone, those count too, so make sure they don’t become part of your nighttime routine.

2. Take a shower before bed

A warm shower can be incredibly relaxing and help wash away tension from the day. It’s even better if you choose a time just before going to bed instead of in the morning. If you have trouble falling asleep, this could be just the thing that makes it easier.

3. Make your bedroom peaceful

Some people find that having a sound machine helps them sleep better, while others prefer complete silence when trying to fall asleep. If possible, try to turn off any sources of noise in the bedroom so you aren’t disturbed when it’s time to go to sleep.

4. Set a bedtime and stick with it

When you’re trying to get more rest, setting a schedule for when you need to be in bed each night is incredibly useful. It makes it much easier to fall asleep at the right time without worrying that you’ll be missing out on sleep by going to bed so early.

5. Try lavender oil

Lavender has been shown to have a relaxing effect on the body, making it easier for you to fall asleep naturally at night. If you decide to try this method, make sure that you aren’t allergic by testing a small amount first. The lavender essential oil may also be added to a bath before bedtime, which may help you sleep better.

6. Limit caffeine and alcohol intake

Both caffeine and alcohol can be very disruptive when it comes to falling asleep at night, so try to cut back before bedtime if possible. If you struggle with getting enough rest even after cutting out these substances, talk to your doctor about it.

7. Take deep, slow breaths before bed

Taking long, deep breaths can help calm down your body and make you feel sleepy at night. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to get a good night’s rest. This method is similar to progressive muscle relaxation where each part of your body is tensed and then relaxed.

8. Limit naps during the day

Although a short nap can be refreshing, taking longer naps during the day can actually make it harder for you to fall asleep at night. If possible, try to only take a quick midday break and don’t sleep any later than necessary.

9. Exercise regularly in the morning or afternoon

Exercise can be incredibly helpful for getting enough rest at night, but don’t work out right before you go to bed. Try exercising in the morning or just before dinner instead of later in the evening. It will help you sleep better by providing your body with more energy than it’ll need when it’s time for bed.

10. Listen to relaxing music

Relaxing music can cause your body to release calming hormones, making it easier for you to fall asleep at night. If you listen to relaxing or classical music before bedtime, choose something instrumental so there are no distracting lyrics.

11. Try reading before bed

Some people find that reading helps them unwind and fall asleep more easily, while others find the opposite to be true. If you struggle with getting enough rest, reading before bed can be an excellent way to help yourself fall asleep more easily.

12. Take deep breaths throughout the day

If you take some time to focus on your breathing every day, it’ll get easier for you to relax when it’s time for bed. Deep breathing can help calm down your body and clear your mind so you feel more rested when it comes time to lie down for the night.

13. Use aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a powerful way to influence your mood, so using scents at night can be very helpful if you have trouble getting enough rest. Lavender, chamomile, jasmine, and other scents are all known for their relaxing qualities, making it easier for you to fall asleep at night.

14. Avoid napping after 3 p.m.

Many of us find that napping helps give us the boost we need to get through the afternoon, but if you’re struggling to fall asleep at night, it’s best not to nap after 3 p.m.

15. Relax before bed

When you aren’t getting enough rest, your body can become stressed and anxious about sleeping. One way to combat this is by practicing stress relief before bed so that your mind doesn’t continue worrying all night long.

16. Clear your mind

Don’t allow your brain to get caught up thinking about the millions of things that you have going on throughout the day. Try writing down anything that might be on your mind before bed so that you don’t continue thinking about them as you try to fall asleep at night.

17. Don’t eat a large meal before bed

Eating a large meal before bedtime can be very disruptive to your rest, so try not to eat too much before going to bed. If you find that you still have trouble falling asleep after cutting back on your food intake, talk to your doctor about it.

18. Avoid sunlight in the morning

Getting a lot of natural light in the morning can disrupt your circadian rhythm, making it harder for you to feel tired when it’s time for bed. Try opening your blinds or curtains after you wake up and close them before going to sleep.

20. Consider taking herbs

Herbs like chamomile and valerian root can be an effective way to calm your body and help you fall asleep without using sleep aids. If you’re interested in trying herbal remedies, talk to your doctor about the best options for your condition.

21. Find a comfortable temperature for sleeping

Different people prefer different temperatures when they go to sleep. If your room is too hot or too cold, you might have trouble falling asleep at night. Try finding the perfect temperature so you feel relaxed and ready for bed when it’s time to lie down.

22. Skip the late-night snacks

Late-night snacking might seem like the perfect way to calm your mind and give you more energy, but staying away from food before bed is actually one of the best ways to get better sleep. Try eating dinner earlier in the evening or making a snack earlier in the morning instead.

24. Keep your room dark

Make sure that your bedroom is completely dark when you go to sleep. This will help calm your body and give you the best chance of sleeping all night long without getting up or tossing and turning.

25. Try taking melatonin supplements

If you’re struggling to get the rest that you need, talk to your doctor about taking melatonin supplements. Melatonin can help reset your circadian rhythm and make it easier for you to fall asleep at night.


If you’re still struggling to fall asleep, there are plenty of ways that you can try to help your body relax and get the rest it needs. Try incorporating some or all of these sleeping aids into your bedtime routine so that you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start the day.


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